
Post 9 Hi teacher and classmates, today I’ll talk about an important subject for all the people who participate in the SGPG (School of government and public administration) community. Today I want to express my personal opinion of the career “Public Administration” of the University of Chile. The first thing is about the courses that my career has, and the main characteristic about this is that have a lot of elements from other careers, like Law, Sociology, Maths, among others. Some of these courses follow a line of knowledges that follow an order with the knowledge delivered, but the main problem with that is that the knowledges depend a lot on the teacher that you take in the course, and also some of those teachers are bad and they are the main cause of the university stress, making a huge damage in the mental health of the community.   They are some few grades that are very relevant for the management. But I think that the grades of politics, legal source of the public...
Post 8: What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs? I believe that marijuana should be legal for people over 18 years of age, and for medical treatments for minors. The plantation and the commerce of this, must be regulated for reduce the drug trafficking. I think that the legalization of marijuana, contrary to many persons, would decrease drug trafficking and the drug abuse, because currently the price of this plant is high. What is your opinion about the Chilean traditions? In general, I don’t like Chilean traditions, I hate cueca. Since I was a young I like folk music, since I was 12 years old, I danced dances from different places of Chile and American continent, and I never liked cueca, it's very boring for me. But I hate the most and will never support is the rodeo. Because it is an intolerable violence towards animals, I vegetarian person and i can’t support this abuse. What is your opinion about recycling? Recycling is...
My favorite movies There are many movies that I like, my favorite categories are comedy, horror and action, but also I like to watch documentary of various topics, my favorite is about animals or vegetation. In the case of my favorite movies, they are classified by the amount of time I saw them. This is why the movies are kept in my mind for a long time, I do not get bored when I see them again and I recommend my friends. 1.- Interview with the Vampire I like this movie because it is dynamic, and the events that happened are unexpected. In addition, the effects, makeup, clothing, the characterization in general is well done. My favorite character is Lestat, who different stages, with different emotions, his personality are fort and interesting. I will recommend, especially to people that like the Gothic theme. 2.- Martyrs I like this movie because left me a lesson about the people and what they can do for the power of the information, in this specific case, inf...
Postgraduate studies Hi again teacher and classmates of the best English section in Inap like ever. Today I will like to write and comment about my own plans from my academic future, this mean that the subject is my Post Grade Studies. First of I will have to confess sometime, I’m from that kind of people that really like public management in this university, so I’m thinking on make the Magister in public management that INAP offer to the School of Government and Public management. The subject that I really want to develop and work in is the ecologic focus, ‘cause is a very important subject for my own life and the life of all, like literally all the things that have life. For the other side, I been thinking of make a Magister here in Chile, for the main reason that make a post grade study it’s cheaper in Chile, but also, I aspiring to make a Magister in another country, but that it’s only when I can make some money from my own work in maybe the public service. Also, I consider i...
Places to kill time: To kill time, I go out with my friends to different places in the Metropolitan Region and its communes. The communes that I frequent are San Bernardo, Buin, Santiago and Puente Alto. I live in San Bernardo, and often I go to the center with my friends, there are many squares, a cultural center "Casa de la Cultura", shops of different things and the mall (I go to the mall only to eat or watch a movie ). My favorite place in this commune is the “House of Culture”, where there is   a craft fair, different sculptures, trees, green areas and always you meet with friends. Buin is a place where you can kill time, because you can go to different places to do a camping, this is an area that has many green areas and is very beautiful. The commune of Santiago is the second place where I kill the most time, because it is where I study since Monday to Friday. When I have to kill time after of classes, I usually stay at m...
My future job I would like to work in an animal protection organization, in Chile there are many that help dogs and cats in general, but I would like to be in an organization that helps different species. In this work I could use the knowledge and skills that hand over the career I am currently studying: public administration. I imagine having an office with other people to organize ideas and create projects; we could nominate a public policy with good management. In addition, I imagine that part of my house have spaces set up to have different animals, different species, giving them good conditions. Outdoors in the space where you can share with the animals and we can give help and the office of the organization would be a closed place. I would like to travel so I can help to species they cannot receive help in other places, and to know the nature that surrounds us. I would like to travel to be able to help the species that surrounds us. It is not necessary that ...
My favorite music styles are Metal, in specific the “Thrash Metal” type. It all-star when I have 5 years old, because my brother likes the metal, and he always played “Rammstein”, sometimes we sang some of the bests   song of the band, for example, the hit “Sonne”. Then at my 11 years old I meet a band know as Metallica, which lets me to the thrash metal. I prefer more listen then play metal, because it delivers an aggressive and fast environment. My favorite band, which I consider the biggest music band in the world, is “Kreator”, the main reason why I love them so much is how they play his instruments and the voice of Mille Petrozza as the main singer during the existence of the band. And the importance of the metal in my life is the group of people that I meet in metal concerts and the places in where we share this type of music and the different things that we share, like story’s or crazy adventures (we drink and smoke cigarettes a lot between us).