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Post 9

Hi teacher and classmates, today I’ll talk about an important subject for all the people who participate in the SGPG (School of government and public administration) community. Today I want to express my personal opinion of the career “Public Administration” of the University of Chile. The first thing is about the courses that my career has, and the main characteristic about this is that have a lot of elements from other careers, like Law, Sociology, Maths, among others. Some of these courses follow a line of knowledges that follow an order with the knowledge delivered, but the main problem with that is that the knowledges depend a lot on the teacher that you take in the course, and also some of those teachers are bad and they are the main cause of the university stress, making a huge damage in the mental health of the community.
 They are some few grades that are very relevant for the management. But I think that the grades of politics, legal source of the public gestion, statistics and the competence of make research about the state are also important, because iich grade of this deliver a new tool for the students, not only for comprehend the reality of Chile, also for the fact that we can have the power for making the big social changes that this country needs right now, that we as a Public Administrator make the compromised to the people that things can change for good. Nevertheless, I’ll say once again that the big problem that this career has is the fact that there is no coordination between teachers about the grade, the knowledge, the evaluations  and the academic charge that they deliver to the students.

The are some few semesters when the schedule is very comfortable and very organized for some people while the are sometimes in the university, like the one that the community is living right now when the schedule it’s really heavy and generate some troubles for the people that work part time.
In other things, the structure of the building is bad, there is no presence of any elevator, all of the classrooms don’t have an air conditioner  where the weather is really hot. But not all of this bad, for example, the computers that we have in the lab are in a perfect state but we don’t have a lot of computers for all the students unfortunately

And just like in any other university, they are all kinds of teachers, some good are some really bad, this last one don’t have any skills in how to teach while others are very good person who knows who to reach all his class students


  1. the classrooms are not only annoying in summer with the heat, I really suffer in winter, it's too cold


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