Postgraduate studies
Hi again teacher and classmates of the best English section in Inap like ever. Today I will like to write and comment about my own plans from my academic future, this mean that the subject is my Post Grade Studies. First of I will have to confess sometime, I’m from that kind of people that really like public management in this university, so I’m thinking on make the Magister in public management that INAP offer to the School of Government and Public management. The subject that I really want to develop and work in is the ecologic focus, ‘cause is a very important subject for my own life and the life of all, like literally all the things that have life. For the other side, I been thinking of make a Magister here in Chile, for the main reason that make a post grade study it’s cheaper in Chile, but also, I aspiring to make a Magister in another country, but that it’s only when I can make some money from my own work in maybe the public service. Also, I consider in make a part time course, because If I don’t work then it is impossible for me to pay the Magister with just my parents cash. But maybe I’ll check if there is another kind of scholarship that I could use to pay the bill.
In Chile there need persons who believe public policies with an focus ecologic.
ResponderEliminarCurrently, ecology is very important, all government programs should have that focus.
I love that you worry so much public policies about ecology <3