Postgraduate studies Hi again teacher and classmates of the best English section in Inap like ever. Today I will like to write and comment about my own plans from my academic future, this mean that the subject is my Post Grade Studies. First of I will have to confess sometime, I’m from that kind of people that really like public management in this university, so I’m thinking on make the Magister in public management that INAP offer to the School of Government and Public management. The subject that I really want to develop and work in is the ecologic focus, ‘cause is a very important subject for my own life and the life of all, like literally all the things that have life. For the other side, I been thinking of make a Magister here in Chile, for the main reason that make a post grade study it’s cheaper in Chile, but also, I aspiring to make a Magister in another country, but that it’s only when I can make some money from my own work in maybe the public service. Also, I consider i...
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My future job I would like to work in an animal protection organization, in Chile there are many that help dogs and cats in general, but I would like to be in an organization that helps different species. In this work I could use the knowledge and skills that hand over the career I am currently studying: public administration. I imagine having an office with other people to organize ideas and create projects; we could nominate a public policy with good management. In addition, I imagine that part of my house have spaces set up to have different animals, different species, giving them good conditions. Outdoors in the space where you can share with the animals and we can give help and the office of the organization would be a closed place. I would like to travel so I can help to species they cannot receive help in other places, and to know the nature that surrounds us. I would like to travel to be able to help the species that surrounds us. It is not necessary that ...
My favorite movies There are many movies that I like, my favorite categories are comedy, horror and action, but also I like to watch documentary of various topics, my favorite is about animals or vegetation. In the case of my favorite movies, they are classified by the amount of time I saw them. This is why the movies are kept in my mind for a long time, I do not get bored when I see them again and I recommend my friends. 1.- Interview with the Vampire I like this movie because it is dynamic, and the events that happened are unexpected. In addition, the effects, makeup, clothing, the characterization in general is well done. My favorite character is Lestat, who different stages, with different emotions, his personality are fort and interesting. I will recommend, especially to people that like the Gothic theme. 2.- Martyrs I like this movie because left me a lesson about the people and what they can do for the power of the information, in this specific case, inf...
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